micro:bit Numeric


not available

This app communicates between Android and a micro:bit device. You can transmit numeric data as text or value. The UART communication also has to be implemented at the micro:bit device.Text enabled: text data transmissionText disabled: numeric data transmissionNewline enabled: n (newline) addedNewline disabled: no additional data
For PXT programming you have to enable Text and Newline.
Requirements:- Min. Android 4.4- Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)- Paired devices- micro:bit programm (developed by yourself)
PXT javascript example:let str = ""let connected = 0input.onButtonPressed(Button.A, () => { if (connected) { bluetooth.uartWriteString("A") }})bluetooth.onBluetoothConnected(() => { connected = 1})bluetooth.onBluetoothDisconnected(() => { connected = 0})bluetooth.startUartService()basic.forever(() => { if (connected == 1) { str = bluetooth.uartReadUntil(serial.delimiters(Delimiters.NewLine)) if (str == "B") { basic.showString("Hi") } else { basic.showString(str) } } else { basic.showLeds(` . . . . . . # . # . . . . . . # . . . # . # . # . `) }})